Grant Information


Vermilion Healthcare Foundation’s schedule for the grant application process is as follows:

Grant Deadline* Board of Directors Meeting Notification of Grant Applicants
September 15, 2024 4th Wednesday of October 2nd Week of November
December 15, 2024 4th Wednesday of January 2nd Week of February
March 15, 2025 4th Wednesday of April 2nd Week of May
June 15, 2025 4th Wednesday of July 2nd Week of August

*If a grant deadline falls over a weekend, the deadline is extended to the next business day.

Qualified organizations seeking grant support should first call and discuss the proposed project in general terms. After that, a grant application should be prepared, including the application form, proposal narrative and required attachments.

Please email electronic copies of the application form, proposal narrative, required attachments, and financial statements for consideration to Cindy Peck at All materials must be received by the grant deadline.

If you have any questions, please call Cindy Peck, Executive Director, at (217)431-7021 or email her at


picture of grant papers
 Download the Grant Application  


  Download a copy of the guidelines  

General Corporate Guidelines
  1. Promote and financially support the activities of not-for-profit corporations recognized as tax exempt pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) or Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, with preferential consideration being given to health and education initiatives.
  2. Corporate purposes shall not be in conflict with the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.
  3. No support or donation will be made to any entity engaged in any business similar to OSF Sacred Heart Medical Center without its written consent.
Grant Guidelines
  1. No Grants will be made to an organization which is not tax exempt pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) or Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, as now written or hereafter amended which uses the services of a Fiscal Sponsor in order to obtain tax exempt status.  The use of a Fiscal Agent by an organization which is tax exempt pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) or Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, as now written or hereafter amended is allowed.
  2. The Foundation is interested in those organizations that can demonstrate they have planned their projects in the light of overall community needs.
  3. If a supported project proves its value, the Foundation hopes that funds from more traditional sources will cover continuing costs of the project, so financial planning by a grant applicant should include careful analysis of alternative sources of funding and realistic planning for permanent funding in the future.
  4. The Foundation plans to seek needs and worthy causes, rather than merely respond to requests.
  5. The Foundation may encourage participation of other contributors by using matching, challenge, and other grant techniques.
  6. Grants are not usually made for routine operating needs or annual giving.
  7. Follow-up reporting is required by the Foundation as to the expenditure of the grant funds.
  8. Supplemental information for appropriate due diligence may be requested.
  9. The Foundation reserves the right to approve recognition by recipient.
  10. A denied request will not be revisited unless substantial changes have occurred in the details of the request.
  11. The Foundation expects the proceeds from its grants to be used to acquire quality goods and services at competitive prices and, when available at a competitive price for comparable quality, from a source in Vermilion County, Illinois, or the surrounding area.
    As a result, as part of its due diligence, the Foundation may ask about the number of competing bids received and the availability of a source in or near Vermilion County, Illinois.
Proposal Narrative (not to exceed 5 single-spaced pages)
  1. The background of the organization including mission, history and overall goals.
  2. The community needs or problems that this effort will address, including population served.
  3. The techniques to be utilized.
  4. The benefits to be derived and what measurable outcomes can be expected.
  5. The degree of priority to the requesting organization.
  6. Indicate how the funds would be spent.
  7. List your five current highest funding sources.
  8. If VHF does not fund this project or only partially funds it, what are your alternative sources? If the program is successful, explain how it will be supported after termination of the grant.
  9. Does this proposal duplicate anything that already exists in the community? If so, how does this program differ and why should VHF fund it?
Required Attachments:
  1. Audited financial statements and tax returns for the past three years. *
  2. Current and next fiscal cycle budgets.
  3. Current Board list with related employment affiliation.
  4. Copy of current tax determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service. If using a fiscal agent, please include Letter of Authorization.
  5. If the project for which funding is sought is a collaboration with other agencies, include letters of agreement from the collaborating agencies.
  6. Financial statements and tax return for any affiliated organization.
  7. Requests from schools should contain a letter from the Superintendent of Schools reflecting a prioritization of grant requests and the District policies on various educational programs and technology plans.

Please email electronic copies of the application form, proposal narrative, required attachments, and financial statements for consideration to Cindy Peck at All materials must be received by the grant deadline.

*Organizations that have submitted previous grant requests and have provided financial statements and tax returns for a past three-year period generally will not be required to submit three years’ financial documents with subsequent grant proposals. In such instances, the financial documents for the current year only will be required.